If you've ever become sick or injured after business hours and wondered whether you should call your primary care provider's answering service, visit your local urgent care center or head to the hospital, this is the talk for you. Join MedStar Harbor Hospital's emergency department staff to learn which conditions should be treated at a hospital, symptoms that should be treated at an urgent care center and when you should wait to see your primary care provider. Light refreshments will be served. Please call 410-350-2563 or visit MedStarHarbor.org/Classes to register.
Whom Do I See and When?
Nearby Restaurants | Rating | Address | Distance |
Harbor Hospital Center | 3001 S. Hanover St. | 0 ft away | |
Harbor Hospital Baum Auditorium | 3001 S. Hanover St | 0 ft away | |
Harbor Primary Care | 3001 South Hanover Street | 0 ft away | |
Reedbird Park | 201 Reedbird Ave. | 1226 ft away | |
Southside Academy | 2700 Seamon Ave. | 2046 ft away |