Hosted by Lousy Humans, this comedy showcase will feature the following local comedians: Reggie Melbrough, Hillary Scofield, Nate Johnson, Natalie McGill, Adam Friedland, Elahe Izadi, Chris Milner and Jimmy Merritt.
The Identity Crisis Comedy Showcase
Nearby Restaurants | Rating | Address | Distance |
Black Cat | 1811 14th St. N.W. | 0 ft away | |
Source Theatre Company | 1835 14th St. N.W. | 219 ft away | |
Twins Jazz | 1344 U St. N.W. | 769 ft away | |
Lincoln Theatre | 1215 U St. N.W. | 1244 ft away | |
U Street Music Hall | 1115 U St. N.W. | 1415 ft away |