The BSO acompanies an animated story by Greg Smith about a ferret causing trouble in an old instrument shop. Interactive and education musical activites will be provided for children prior to the show.
The BSO acompanies an animated story by Greg Smith about a ferret causing trouble in an old instrument shop. Interactive and education musical activites will be provided for children prior to the show.
Nearby Restaurants | Rating | Address | Distance |
Meyerhoff Symphony Hall | 1212 Cathedral St. | 0 ft away | |
Gary J. Arthur Community Center | 2400 Route 97 | 93 ft away | |
Theatre Project | 45 W. Preston St. | 277 ft away | |
Wright Theater, University of Baltimore | 21 W. Mount Royal Avenue | 600 ft away | |
Casa la Don & Beth | 1307 Bolton Street | 877 ft away |