The February installment of the Recital and Evensong series at St. David’s begins at 4:30 and features Singapore native Phoon Yu, Organist. Currently completing his graduate study at the Peabody conservatory, Mr. Yu is also an accomplished composer and advocate for new music; his recital will include several new works written especially for him by Singapore-based composers, including Zhangyi Chen, a recent Doctoral recipient of Peabody. The Service of Evensong follows at 5 pm.
- Music style Chamber
Recital and Evensong: Phoon Yu, Organist
Nearby Restaurants | Rating | Address | Distance |
St. David's Episcopal Church | 4700 Roland Ave. | 0 ft away | |
DAR Chapter House | 4701 Roland Ave. | 311 ft away | |
North Baltimore Mennonite Church | 4615 Roland Ave | 360 ft away | |
Roland Park Presbyterian Church | 4801 Roland Ave. | 965 ft away | |
Johnny's | 4800 Roland Ave | 975 ft away |